Jul 5, 2011

i'm proud to be an american.

Where you spend a whole weekend at home watching your family while your parents are out of town, & can go on however many bike rides you want.
Where you can go get In-N-Out burger, & eat it picnic style in the family room, watching Toy Story 3.

Where you can choose to cook whatever you want, including cookies & waffles.

Where freedom of religion means you can make a weekly temple visit.

Where you can eat your body weight in festive taffy’s in one weekend.

Where you can take sweaty, cheesy pictures; because you are camping out for a parade in the morning.

Where you can play Mario party 3 on the grey box all weekend long, & no one can tell you to stop.

Where you can spend all day with friends; eating, laughing, & blowing things up.

Where so many men & women have fought for our freedom;
where at least i know i'm free.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful to you for watching the family for me! And I have never been prouder than to see you carry on the tradition of burgers picnic style in the family room!!!

    Love you tons,
