Jul 6, 2011


i hate it when people ask for my email address. because it is kickit_14@hotmail.com. i don't know where in my 12 year old mind i thought it would be a good idea to make it that, especially since i haven't played soccer in about 4 years now. & yes, i have made a new address, it's just a pain to check both when everything gets sent to my kickit account. so for now, i'm a 19 year old girl, with a 12 year old's email.


  1. I am sorry but that's not that bad ha ha try supergirlbr2@hotmail.com ...yeah that was mine until recently and the br stands for bryon Russell who played for the jazz....ha ha every time I gave my email people would look at me like I was crazy! Ha ha got to love the first email account!

  2. HAHA I sooo know what you mean. When I was 11 I had the BRILLIANT idea that I wanted my email to be angel@ashlemichelle.com ....yep angel. haha Luckily, I have fixed the situation and I know have a more normal email :) Your blog is suppper cute!

  3. hahahaha oh my so true for me too!! luvshopping861 hahaha it's way fun telling other people that
