May 27, 2011

knee surgery: take two

i should be sleeping right now, but i'm not. my mind is working over time a little. it's just because it knows i am supposed to report to the hospital at 9:15 for surgery tomorrow morning. i'm getting the screw taken out of my knee from when i tore my ACL. so yes; i will officially be unscrewed. unfortunately i'll still be pinned, but that's not so bad. i get queasy at the sight of a needle, so i always get anxious before i know one will be injected into my body. {i have had lots of practice lately, & can officially get my blood drawn without crying, hyperventilating, or passing out} my dad told me i was going to get my surgery while i was conscious. ha, that's a funny joke dad. i need to be drugged & very much unconscious if i am to survive this. i am excited, though, because this is supposed to help my knee so it doesn't hurt anymore. hopefully it works.

{wish me luck}

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