May 22, 2011

a day down under

it has always been my dream to go to Australia. i've been obsessed with the place for as long as i can remember. it was the best news ever when my dad got called on a trip there, & this time there were seats available on the plane for me to tag along. some people say it's crazy to go to Australia for 24 hours, but i call it dream come true. it was a last minute, & for someone who does a lot of last minute traveling, i forgot basically everything i needed. i left for the airport with my one outfit i was going to bring sitting on my bed, my camera battery charging in my wall, & all the music on my ipod mysteriously erased. but, nothing could take away from my excitement to actually be going to Australia. everything worked out perfectly. i want to live there someday.

yes, this seat reclines to be totally flat. 
& yes, you can actually sleep for 8 hours straight.

sydney opera house

this is the ocean; with no rope keeping you from walking right into it.

such a good navigator. he took us on a tour of the city.

cute little door

shoot... that ruins all my plans.

the bike ride of death = amazing view @ the top.

australian men are way hotter when they surf. 
at least the one i found was. 

i wish our money was colorful.

i fell in love with sailboats

these birds would NOT leave me alone

we biked everywhere.

ferris wheels = love. 
don't deny it, you know it's true.

i love this place.



  1. I don't think you will ever know how Jealous I am!!!!! I have always been jealous of your looks but now I have to be jealous of where you went!!!! HAHA SO LUCKY!!!!

  2. Super jealous. I lol'd at the picture of you and the birds.

  3. I'm so jeal! I would love to go there some time. Think about me the next time there is open seat :)
