May 22, 2012

the story of us.

it didn't happen over night. it wasn't love at first sight. it wasn't a typical fairytale where the boy and girl fall madly in love through true love's first kiss.

 a lot of things had to happen and fall into place to get us to where we are today. some good and some not so good, but i wouldn't take back or change a single one. as our relationship has grown over the past few months, it has been made very clear to me just how much my Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me. everything that happened between taylor and me happened for a reason. even such little things i didn't ever think would be linked to him- so many things make sense now. this has been one of the most spiritual, amazing experiences of my life & i have never been happier. sometimes i can't believe i get to marry this boy and be with him forever. this is all so much better than i ever could have imagined. he is my best friend & treats me like gold. he's the funniest, most caring, hard working, happy person i have ever met. i feel so extremely blessed and grateful to Heavenly Father for bringing us together & allowing us to be together forever. 

that's the best kind of fairytale of all.

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